Genre - Hard Rock / Pop / Punk / Power-pop
Label - Pledge Music
Track listing:
01 - Paranoia
02 - Television
03 - Sleep Deprivation
04 - Brainwaves
05 - Human
06 - Every Day I Thank The World I Cut You Off
07 - Welcome To My Shangri-La
08 - The Golden Lonely
09 - Vulture Of The Culture
10 - Neuro Bolero
11 - I Miss You
12 - We're Going To The Future
Ladies and Gentlemen, the mighty Eureka Machines are back with a brand spanking new album, and what an album it is too! Brain Waves, the bands forth long player to date is quite possibly their strongest and most rounded album so far! its not to late for you to become a part of it by pledging before its full release date!
The album opens with a real powerhouse in the form of Paranoia, with its blisteringly quick punk-ish riffs and pretty self explanatory subject matter. Pretty much a straight ahead rock that is guaranteed to go down well live! Next up we have Television, a great song that I see being a (hit) single at some point, it has a few great tempo changes, plenty of great harmonies and a subject matter that we can all relate to at times, that of escaping into a fantasy world of Tv, even though most of it is a load of bollocks (TV that is!), only this time Chris has created a kind of TV spirit guide. A Truly great song!
Sleep Deprivation follows, and this is quite possibly the best song that the guys have produced so far across their four album career. I absolutely love everything about this album, from the subject matter of the lyrics, which is something that I can really personally relate too, to its quirkiness, its awesome harmonies, too well you get the picture right?
Next up we have the albums title track, Brainwaves, another song where lyrically Chris explores that "seesaw between normality - whatever the fuck that is - and weird". Quite possibly the most straight up classic rock track that the band have recorded so far, a great song that kind of stabilises the albums tempo, and gives the listener the chance to take a breather so to speak. This track has some great soloing and gentle tempo changes too!
Human come up next, battering its way into the listeners brain. I great and as Chris puts it, silly song, pretty much about the human condition. Constant subtle tempo changes in a song that has a real punk feel to it, again with some great harmonies.
Every Day I Thank The World I Cut You Off slows the tempo right down to a crawl, with its gentle but moody intro before exploding into a great chorus and settling into a great plodding verse. A song about depression and quite possibly several people. Another great song with Chris' great take on the classic pop art line, its better to burn out than fade away, Chris's version being, its best to fuck off than fade away, classic.
Next we have Welcome To My Shangri-La, the albums lead single, has already become a Eureka Machines classic. A really great song that you SHOULD HAVE fallen in love with by now!
The Golden Lonely is a great melodic rocker that deals with the worlds obsession with money and the consequences that such an obsession brings!
Vulture Of The Culture deals with the world of record companies and the irony of failed musicians telling a successful one what they should be doing. Another great melodic work out, with plenty vocal harmonies throughout. A truly awesome song.
Neuro Bolero starts with some great drums and guitar intro before dropping off into what is almost a ska beat / rhythm. As a song this one deals with "the realisation that the outdated concept of the rock n roll dream is now a myth, and in fact its demise is no bad thing whatsoever as it removes the corporate ties from the art and frees it up to be as it was intended to be". Another really great song.
Penultimate track I Miss You, is a slower song altogether, almost a ballad, but not a ballad, dealing with darker emotions and the black dog again. Once again this song weaves itself through some great musical twists and turns and constantly builds into something truly magnificent. Another personal favourite for me, as is pretty much most of this album!
The album closes with We're Going To The Future, a track that starts out nice and slow like and gently builds into a melodic masterpiece! A song that pretty much says everything will be ok, the longest track on the album and well, just bloody brilliant.
So there we have it, Brain Waves, twelve brilliant songs from a band that really are at the very top of their game.
Great cover art work courtesy of Rich Jones and a production job that places this album up there along side anything that will be released by absolutely anybody this year. 2015 has already delivered some great albums, but ladies and gentlemen I honestly believe that Brain Waves is going to be my top album of the year!
Very Very Highly Recommended!!
Rating - 10/10 (I would give it 20 if I could!)